Saturday, April 29, 2006

Hammerhead - The Lego CD Thrower

This thing is sweet! I haven't bought Legos lately, but I can only imagine the developments they have made to their product over the years.

Friday, April 21, 2006

The word is out!! A Guilty Secret: Some Parents Sedate Kids to Keep them Calm on Long Flights

Full articles is at the WSJ

When Ginger Ogle suggested giving her 3-year-old son an antihistamine to help him sleep during an eight-hour flight to Europe, her husband "was appalled that I'd even consider drugging our child," she says. He bought a portable DVD player instead, to play in-flight movies for his son.

But after four hours on the plane with a kicking, whining, irritable child -- who was unconsoled by the movies or grab-bag of other distractions the Berkeley, Calif., couple had brought along -- he reluctantly agreed to try a dose of Benadryl. The medication didn't seem to have much effect, Ms. Ogle says, but the incident shows how divisive the issue can be.

This article is too funny as I've heard a few parents who do this.

Interesting Invention

Saw this in a news article, called the Life Straw. It uses seven types of filters to make water safe for consumption.

Thought it was pretty interesting, and if it works, a great achievement.

Interesting Quote

It is easier to fight for one's principles that to live up to them.

- Alfred Adler

I thought this was an interesting quote as it made me think about the many people in powerful positions, whom often don't live up to the principles the espouse.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Hung, Picture Man!

Hung, I know you've got a bunch of good pictures now that you have a new camera. Take a minute and post a few more to the blog!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Cherrie Blossom Time

Greetings from the Nation's Capital. It's Cherrie Blossom time and we've had some beautiful weather to enjoy them. What a wonderful sight.  Posted by Picasa