Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Hedge Fund Office Space

Cuttone and Company is opening offices in both New York, and Washington DC designed specifically to cater to Hedge Funds. They will provide money managers, individuals, RIA's and Hedge Funds, with best in class physical infrastructure and institutional trading services.

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

when the media clouds and distorts

everything what do you do? ... by pass them.

I have to admit that I didn't believe Obama would be as big on technology as he'd preached when he visited the Googleplex during his campaign. Now that he's in office, I'm impressed to see him pushing the limits of engaging with citizens via technology and by passing the distorted media by using technology.

Check out his town hall today! at Open for Questions and participate.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Distrubing Tatoo's

These are absolutely frightening tatoo's.


Tuesday, October 09, 2007

This is just plain wrong.

All these politicians are criminals and should be booted out. You won't believe the video.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Yacht Zingara - Caribbean Yacht Charters

I was at the Annapolis Sail boat show this past weekend. Toured this boat Yacht Zingara - Caribbean Yacht Charters it was awesome! Can fit 10 people. A little price at $43,000 per week, but that includes all food, alcohol, crew, and water sports

Saturday, October 06, 2007

World Beta - Engineering Targeted Returns and Risk: What I'm Reading

Putting in a plug for Meb's site. Specifically in his post below, he mentioned an interesting company call Hitail. Check em out, and his blog.

World Beta - Engineering Targeted Returns and Risk: What I'm Reading

The Best Site for RSS Feeds

Great list of RSS Feeds the WSJ provides. Not sure if you have to be a subscriber.


Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Proactive vs Reactive

Great quote I saw today.

Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well.

- Josh Billings

Friday, September 14, 2007

Tron's kind of bar!

This looks perfect for R3k!!

Interactive nightclub to thrill Londoners - Engadget

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Anyone want to go for a ride?

View Larger Map

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Too much Taxes

Perhaps I'm just cranky about paying my Personal Property Tax bill for Fairfax County, but I'm fed up with too many taxes in general.

So I always like to do a little math from the info sheet FX County gives me.

It says that they plan to collect $3,319,047,284 in FY 2008. The estimated # of households for FX county is 377,600. So that's about $8,790 per household to live here. I'd have to look and see how that compares to other counties but seems like an awful lot to me!!

Now on to education expense. From Wikipedia it says that enrollment in FCPS is at 164,843, now divide that by the amount that goes to schools from the sheet FX County gave me which is $1,734,459,426 and you get $10,521.88 per pupil.

Now I will refer you to UVA, where in state tuition for their engineering school is $3,927 per semester. Assuming two semesters, that would be around $8,000.

Now you tell me, would you rather take a voucher for $10,521 and send your kid to UVA and still have $2,500 left over to spend on books, etc.? Or send them off to a Govt. run monopoly?

Now I know you can't exactly send your 1st grader to UVA, but you get my point here. $10K buys a whole lot better education at a private institution, then at a public one.

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Please SOMEBODY try this!!!

I don't eat fish, but I would love to hear the results from my culinary inclined friends of how cooking Salmon in your dishwasher turns out.

Friday, September 07, 2007

The Untapped Bloggers!

Well, Big Al's Friends Blog is no doubt, a bit slow on content generation. Not sure if that is my fault, or my blogger friends. Apparently instead of enlisting Brad as a blogger, I should have enlisted his wife and sister. Melissa's and Lynn's blog, Sugar City Journal seems to be updated much more frequently than this one.

Where are my blog'n buddies these days?

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Apple - iPod touch

Although I wasn't big on the iPhone (doesn't beat my Blackberry), I do like my iPod and am game for the new Apple - iPod touch.

***Update*** I take it back. I thought these things had 160 GB of space. With only 16GB forget it. Will have to wait until they upgrade the size on the iPod Touch.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Cabbie case highlights S.F.’s taxi scene - Examiner.com

Cabbie case highlights S.F.’s taxi scene - Examiner.com - This is one great example of how mis-managed this City is. Too bad he failed to mention ex-Mayor Willie Brown's 10 or so medallions...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

I HATE Ticketmaster

They are getting what the deserve!

Ticketmaster to End Live Nation Contract - New York Times - It should really read, "Live Nation finally realizes that TM is a waste, and they should drop them like a bad habit".

Saturday, August 11, 2007

I can't wait to try it...

SFO to Vegas anybody???? A review of the new planes Virgin America is operating. I bumped into Sir Richard Branson out front of the Curran, a very nice gent.

Wired Blogs: Gadget Lab: Virgin America's system has this feature, of coursecomplete without a map showing where your plane is right at this second? Virgin America's system has this feature, of course"

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Testing...Adblock Plus

I have noticed that advertising is either A) distracting me, or B) slowing down my page loads.

So I just installed Adblock Plus :: Firefox Add-ons and am testing it.

So far so good.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

VA Tax Holiday

I'm sick of all our taxes so I guess this is a minor start.

VA Tax Holiday


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Coleman cited for disorderly conduct - Yahoo! News

Coleman cited for disorderly conduct - Yahoo! News - Something tells me that he blends right in... In UTAH!

Monday, July 16, 2007

All Star Game - Ticket Prices and Scalping, EconTalk Permanent Podcast Link: Library of Economics and Liberty

I walked around the ballpark prior to the All Star Game, and spoke with Russ Roberts; his podcast can be found here: Ticket Prices and Scalping, EconTalk Permanent Podcast Link: Library of Economics and Liberty

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

We Love to Fly and It Shows: Inside the World of Mileage Running

We Love to Fly and It Shows: Inside the World of Mileage Running - I really should give this a try.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Race for AT - BULLRUN

Transporter (a.k.a. Austin) this is the race for you!! BULLRUN

I'll be the navigator!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

windows promo video

This is crazy. Fast forward through the first 7 minutes. Minute 8 is ridiculous!!! Someone was definitely smoking something when this was made.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

SanDisk Launches 32 Gigabyte Solid State Drive

Very nice, I wonder how it will hold up to the Windows page file constantly being written to?

SanDisk Launches 32 Gigabyte Solid State Drive: "Windows Vista Enterprise in as little as 35 seconds. It also can achieve an average file access rate of 0.12 milliseconds, compared with 55 seconds and 19 milliseconds, respectively, for a laptop PC with a hard disk drive.

Another advantage of SanDisk SSD is its extremely low power consumption rate compared to the hard disk drive: 0.4 watt during active operation versus 1.0 watt . This is particularly important to extend the battery life for the benefit of enterprise mobile users.

The 1.8-inch 32GB solid state drive is now available for original equipment manufacturers. "