Sunday, May 01, 2005

Congresswoman Maloney will host a nurse-in on Capitol

My wife sent me this. I was pleasantly surprised to see a Democrat promoting breastfeeding. Both Allison and I are big supporters of it and I think it's ridiculous that some places actually kick women out of their establishments for breastfeeding.

You can see more info at The Message Boards: CT Nurse-In at washington DC, Please look and come!

Although I think the proposed legislation goes too far, like providing tax incentives for business that establish private lactaion areas. My issue with perks like this is it just further complicates the Tax code and the only businesses that will benefit are huge ones. Do you think the the little 6 person computer company in some obscure office space in Tysons is going to have a conversation like

Business Owner: Is there anyway I can pay less taxes?
Accountant: Hmm. You could create a private lacation room.

Ridiculous. But some of the other proposed parts are good. Here are the higlights.

(1) to amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to protect breastfeeding by new mothers,
(2) to provide tax incentives for businesses that establish private, lactation areas in the workplace,
(3) to provide for a performance standard for breast pumps, and
(4) to allow breastfeeding equipment to be tax deductible for families.

WHO: Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY)
Audrey J. Naylor, MD, DrPH, FAAP, FABM
Chair of the United States Breastfeeding Committee
Others to be announced

WHEN: 2:00pm
Thursday, May 5, 2005

WHERE: Cannon Terrace
New Jersey and Independence Ave., SE
Washington, DC


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