Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I thought I should blog

After not posting for a while I thought I should post something. I could post a description of my drive home last night while having food poisoning but that would probably make everyone sick. I could post my thoughts about this region's traffic, but that has been well covered already. I could post about the reforestation of the east coast, but Brad elloquently covered that topic as well. I know, how about my specialty... movies! While having two young kids has put a real damper on my ability to go to the movies, I do have a Netflix service which provides me plenty of choices for movies, albeit a little dated. Unlike days of old, I stick with strickly DVD versions of movies. No more VHS, although I still have a collection of VHS movies, and no more 8 mm. I currently have almost 300 movies in my rental queue so I have a lot of movies to see. Here are reviews on the movies I have seen recently.

The Incredibles - I really enjoyed this movie, as did Katherine which doesn't happen all the time. It's a fun creative twist on the superhero thing. I recommend seeing it.

Time Bandits - This is a classic. It made its debute in 1981. It has an original storyline and even has a cameo by 007 himself, Sean Connery. It's about a young boy who gets caught up with some some midget employees of the Supreme Being who stole the Supreme Being's map of the universe to travel through time to get rich by being bandits. I loved this movie as a kid and still enjoy it. By the way, Katherine hates this movie and would rather lick the toilet clean than watch it. She didn't see much of the movie so I can't put much weight on her opinion of this one.

Napoleon Dynamite - After my sister-in-law pestered me enough, I finally saw this movie. This movie is very quirky. I enjoyed it because of it's quirkiness. If you enjoy movies that don't fit hollywood's formula for movies then you will like this one.

Alien vs. Predator - Yes, I actually watched this movie and I feel ashamed to admit it. Like the rest of the people who saw this movie, my curiosity got the best of me because I liked the Alien and Predator series of movies and thought, "How bad could it be?" Folks, it's BAD! I found myself routing for the aliens to slice everyone up so the movie would finish.

That's it... the last four movies I've seen from Netflix. If I can't think of anything else to write about in the future, I'll let you know my opinions on more movies. Maybe I'll come up with some new twist on this region's traffic. I did just get the Dulles Toll Road Toll Increase flyer in the mail today explaining how the increase will make all of our lives perfect. I bet that could spark some juicy posts.

Katherine just read this and thinks this post is really lame. Oh well!


At 5/11/2005 4:07 AM, Blogger smackerama said...

My buddy Travis is the Cinematographer of Napoleon Dynamite. He lived next door to me in the dorms (DT) @ BYU.

At 5/11/2005 1:41 PM, Blogger Alexander Romero said...

I bet Netflix loses some serious money on Austin's subscription!


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