Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Listen Live to the G Gordon Liddy Show (No relation to Baby G)

I remember a long...long time ago when I became a fan of the G Gordon. I used to listen to him bash Clinton and Janet Reno on good 'ol WJFK 106.7 way back when I lived in NoVa many...many years ago.

Then I moved to Cincinnati and I think I picked him up every now and then, but unfortunately I wasn't usually in my car when he was on. Besides, I was trying to block out Clinton.

Then I moved to SF, and G Gordon was nowhere to be found on the radio dial, although eventually we did find him and enjoyed his banter at the eTango office. Then I think he got booted and we had to pick him up on Internet Radio. Thankfully Smack was there to always locate his program.

Well now, I've found G Gordon again on WMEL 1160 and for those of you not in NoVA you can listen to him via the Internet. Enjoy!!

"The G Gordon Liddy Show"

For an added bonus, don't forget to order the G man's Stacked and Packed calendar.


At 6/15/2005 7:15 PM, Blogger smackerama said...

A much more appropriate picture of me now, thank you.

At 6/17/2005 3:18 PM, Blogger Alexander Romero said...

As it turns out..."Birds of a feather flock together."

Despite all the stereotypes about SF (some if which are true) I mostly found myself around a bunch of very conservative 30 something's while I was there. Perhaps it was because of the East Coast / Mid-west transplants that I was surrounded by. But even beyond that, among my broader friend group there were very few liberals and no hard core liberals.

Not sure how I stayed so insulated from "those" kind of folks but they just didn't seem to gravitate toward me. Probably because they overheard my conversations and kept clear.

At 6/17/2005 6:51 PM, Blogger smackerama said...

I have found that "Those" types of people have no creditworthiness when it comes to their intellect. They are the hippies on the corner, strumming a guitar with half their strings, and begging for change. Even the city Supervisor Matt Gonzalez, when I saw him waiting at the bus stop one day, I though about how he is perceived and how there was no way he would be successful in the business world. Outsiders think that in SF, everyone is gay, everyone is doing drugs, everyone is a liberal. The concentration might be higher then most other places, but it is not the majority in most cases.

I heard that there is a guy, Michael Savage, who does a radio show from here in SF, and makes G. Gordon look like an alter boy. I don't listen to the radio too much, so I am sure I miss lots of good stuff.


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