Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Sleepless Nights?

One of the purposes of the blog is for us bloggers to share our thoughts about what is going on in our lives. Well right now there is not a whole lot of sleep going on. Unfortunately the Grantster has decided to wake up consistently at 1AM, 3AM, and at 5AM he's pretty much up for the day.

At 1AM and 3AM we've tried every trick in the book to get him to sleep. From letting him cry it out for 1 hour plus for numerous nights, to giving him a bottle with water in it (oh yea, he REALLY loved that one), to just giving in and giving him a bottle, which will usually get him back to sleep (and allow us to sleep a bit).

So now, the wify (pronounced wife - ee), is at wit's end, and I'm not far behind. We're openly accepting suggestions from EXPERIENCED parents. That means no wise ass suggestions from the Peanut Gallery (e.g. Hung).


At 8/11/2005 12:35 AM, Blogger Allen Romero said...

um. yeah. no help here. sorry.

At 8/11/2005 3:55 AM, Blogger smackerama said...

The Vicoden I had for my wrist made me sleepy.


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