Monday, August 22, 2005

Too Many Taxes!

Just got my Personal Property Tax bill from the beloved County of Fairfax. What does this money go to?? And what is this BS about Personal Property Tax Relief? Seems ridiculous that we must be RELIEVED of this tax burden, and how can I get more RELIEF!! Because I don't want to pay $242.99 so Fairfax County cops can ticket me for going 38 MPH in a 35 MPH zone through the Fast Toll Booth Lane.

There should be some moratorium amendment to the US Constitution that we can't be taxed more than 5 times or something like that. It seems ridiculous that we're taxed on our income, then on our car, and our house, and on that darn Toll road, and on the gas we put in our car, and by the county, and by the state, and the list goes on, and on, and on. What next, a Tax to the UN??

Yes, Hung, I'm bitter about this, and I think everyone else should be too. And what about the Social Security TAX!! Why is it a Tax you may ask? Because I'll never see it. How can they call it Social SECUREity when it's the farthest thing from secure. Arrrgh.


At 8/23/2005 3:47 AM, Blogger Allen Romero said...

Yes. Sometimes we call him, the bitter blogger. Maybe we should get him the 'happy pill'

At 8/30/2005 12:07 AM, Blogger Austin said...

I agree with Al on the taxes, it's ridiculous, especially the social security TAX. I really love getting double and triple taxed. LOL Our generation will never see a dime of that money! Politicians need to stop spending so much on useless crap!


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