Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Oooh I like this!

My GPS was stolen out of Allison's car a few weeks ago, so I'm looking for a new one. This is the one I want, it's da shizzle. The GPSMAP 376C. However it's got a steep pricetag, around $785.00. I'll have to hold off for now.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

eBay: Wall Street Journal WSJ Subscription -- 6 months

So I've been catching the Wall Street Journal here and there when I can and have found it 1,000,000 times more interesting than the Washington P*$#%.

So I looked around for one of those special offers I always get in the mail, and as luck would have it, none were to be found. So then I searched online and stumbled into an Ebay listing.

Well now I'm the proud owner of a 6 month subscription for $28.00. I thought this was a great deal! Of course I haven't received the merchandise yet, so I'll have to report back. But per issue this is $0.23 or so. I think that's a darn good deal.

New Video Ipod

I'm in the market for the new Video Ipod. If anyone sees any good deals on them, let me know. Best deals I've found are on But it looks like I"ll have to check back because many of the deals have expired.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Who pays the country's taxes?

If you earn more than $29,019 you are in the top 50% of the country's wage earners. Even better yet, this group of taxpayers pays 96.54%....YES THAT'S RIGHT, 96.54% of all federal income taxes.

So 50% of the country pays 96.54% of the federal income taxes. What the hell is going on?

Abuse of Power??

Just read an article in the Washinton Post Sunday Business section about how the IRS tried to seize property over a disputed unpaid $0.48. Even worse the IRS improperly assessed $440 in penalties on that $0.48 and was going to enforce it through seizing assetts. The person accused was an attorney, went to court, and won. I feel sorry for the guy, and makes me angry about the abuses I hear at the IRS.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

one more baby

Hmmm. Some of you moms think that one or two children is a lot to handle ... well how about 16! This mom just delivered her 16th, which includes two sets of twins. If having sixtenn children isn't enough, try coming up with sixteen names that all start with J. What do you think the chances are they're mormon?

Monday, October 17, 2005 - North Dakota Internet sellers may need license - Oct 10, 2005

I can't believe things like this are even considered?? The idea of the state requiring a license to sell on ebay?? I think our founding father's would puke at the amount of involvement the Government has in our lives.

Gates donates $15 million to museum

Time for another trip!

Mountain View institution records computing history

Friday, October 14, 2005


Camel Toads?

Monday, October 10, 2005

Annapolis Sail Boat Show

Well, it looked more like San Francisco, than Annapolis since it was a bit cold and foggy as you can see below in the picture. The weather didn't matter to me, I love being near the water and especially seeing all the different sailboats, then dreaming about the places I can go in them. Preferably some place warm like the Virgin Islands. Grant enjoyed it also.

Friday, October 07, 2005

this WEEK in TECH | Your first podcast of the week is the last word in tech

I've been listening to this podcast on my Ipod when cruising into work. It's a great way for me to hear updates about the latest tech stuff, and quirky little things developing on the net.

Like remixes of trailers for The Shining, and Titanic. Entertaining.

I recommend folks interested in tech to give a listen. this WEEK in TECH You can also see the show notes about what they talked about.

The Million Dollar Homepage - Own a piece of internet history!

Unbelieveable what people can make money on these days. This guy is selling pixels on this page He sells space on the page for $1 per pixel, minimum of 10 x 10 so $100.

The most ridiculous part is he has sold $301,000 worth!! I have no idea what the drive is for this? Why folks would advertise here.

don't forget to feed your blog

Those crazy googlers at the plex are up to their old shinanigans. This time, they've put together a blogregator for all you blogizans.

Try it out. No more need to check Big Al's stale personal blog. Get the update through the G reader.

Romero's Make Pottery Barn Catalog Shoot...Kind of

The Romero's...and their up in funny places. Our friend stephanie is a buyer for Pottery Barn, so when she was purchasing stokkings for the pottery Barn catalog shoot, she monogrammed them with our names. Here's the picture from the catalog and their website, with Alexander, Grant, and even Coco! Allison's name is in another picture. Unfortunately the photographer didn't know which family members went with which.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

InformationWeek > IM Security > Phishers Plant Fake Google Toolbar > October 6, 2005

Phishers are playing off Google's brand name, a security researcher said Wednesday, by flooding IM and IRC with messages that lead to a download of a bogus Google toolbar whose sole purpose is to steal credit card information.

Be on the lookout and surf smart. This kind of stuff just PISSES me off. Hate those f'n people that come up with it. InformationWeek > IM Security > Phishers Plant Fake Google Toolbar > October 6, 2005

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

This is truly awesome!! A ski jump down Fillmore street in San Francisco! What a great picture.

The Stoic Captain

It's official, I completed my ASA 104 class (graduated top of my class of course) and am now competent and certified to bareboat charter boats up to 50'. Time to plan that Puerto Rico to the Virgin Islands trip.

Here is the boat we sailed on for the weekend. A 38' Beneteau.

And here is some of the hands on training we got when we were in the middle of a channel and the Impeller for the Raw Water Cooling system failed. So yes, I have first hand experience in Emergency Engine Repair.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


More about the 'How & Why' of the festival this past weekend.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Yee Haw, where's my jug of Shine?

Hardly Strictly Bluegrass # 5 was held this weekend in Golden Gate Park, that I attended with R3K. One hell of a show that up until this year, I had worked running security for the event. The Saturday review is below.
