Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Boat Trip...A Success!

So here it is, the long awaited picture from our sail to St. Michaels. It was a great trip and we couldn't have been any luckier on the weather. 20 knot winds and 65 degrees in mid-November?? It was awesome!!


I'm pleased to report that with our nautical maps, autopilot, two GPS's, and Austin (a.k.a. The Transporter) as both Navigator and Helmsman we navigated with but only one bump along the way. She was a big boat, 40' Jeanneau, and quite comfy I might add.

My favorite quote from the trip, was of course from Hung who said, "Al, stop with the sailing terms sh$!, just tell me to pull that f%#@9'n rope." I understand Hung's frustration with the numerous sailing terms. Hopefully after a few more trips he'll be shouting out "grab the jib sheets...helms alee!" like a pro!

So what's next...America's Cup? Keep an eye out on OLN for us! Or perhaps just monitor VHF channel 16 in case we get in trouble.



At 11/25/2005 8:55 AM, Blogger Austin said...

It was a great trip! Thanks for organizing it Al! The Transporter is ready for the next adventure.


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