Thursday, January 26, 2006

Scammed on Ebay

In General I Love Ebay and the things I buy off there. I'm disappointed to report that recently I was scammed. I tried to buy a eBay: Wall Street Journal WSJ Subscription -- 6 months (item 6983582352 end time Oct-25-05 16:00:20 PDT)">discount subscription to the WSJ and after 13 weeks it still hasn't show up and the seller is giving me the run around.

Luckily it wasn't a big purchase. Usually I'm pretty savvy about this stuff, and I must admit I was suspicious, but at the time of the purchase, the guy (or girl) had legitimate feedback. Although I was weary of the fact it would take up to 12 weeks to deliver, my thought was that might be some time limit on the amount of time in which I'd have to file a claim. In fact I'm about to find out if that is true.

Anyway, be careful out there in Cyberspace.


Yep, just as suspected, this guy is a scammer. On eBay you only have to file a dispute within 60 days, and on Paypal it's within 45 days. Unfortunately I used my Bank Account instead of my credit card as the funding source so I got screwed there in terms of dispute options.

So for the record (and I hope the web search engines pickup this scammers name)

Marc Gersen
ebay ID: mgersen

Is a fraudulent ebay seller.


At 1/27/2006 1:37 PM, Blogger Alexander Romero said...

I tried to on Paypal, but because it was outside the 45 day period they disallowed the claim.

At 1/29/2006 9:36 AM, Blogger Allen Romero said...

It sucks you got scammed. I do have faith in the system though and know that sooner or later this guy will have to answer to the law.

At 1/30/2006 2:10 AM, Blogger smackerama said...

Yes, I am on the case, and he will be answering to me and my Size 12's.


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