Wednesday, March 29, 2006

15 Best Skylines in the World

Surprised that SF and DC didn't make the cut of the 15 Best Skylines in the World.

Official Google Blog: And we're back

This is pretty funny. You think big companies don't make dumb mistakes, check this out. Official Google Blog: And we're back
Of course, Google isn't exactly known for being especially thorough i.e. when they let the "notes" section slip in their PPT presentation to shareholders about future earnings.

Speaking of this, has anyone seen that commercial where they have a couple people in a small office going "we have to think like a big company", then the folks in the big company go "we need to be more nimble like a small company" it's kind of funny.

TIVO Upgrade Kit for Humax -

I am very tempted to add a 500gb Seagate drive to the Tivo to get 600 hours of recording time.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

New Swiss Army Watch

I went shopping for a new watch this weekend. Somehow, I sent my old watch for a battery replacement with my wife, and now it's been misplaced. Well, that watch was many years old and I wanted a new one. Although I wanted an Omega Seamaster, those are just too darn expensive for me right now, so I settled for the Swiss Army. Since I'm the MacGyver type, I like mine full of bells and whistles, so as you can see, this one is loaded with them. So far so good, I like it! Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 20, 2006

1 Year Blog Anniversary

Just wanted to let everyone know that the 1 year anniversary of this blog is almost upon us. Coming up right around tax day. For fun, go back to the archives and see what we were blabbering about 1 year ago.

Get out of your cell contract?

Interesting Read on how you can get out of your service contract. Any thoughts?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

How-To: Real controls for R/C flight simulation - Engadget

This is pretty cool kind of. Amazing what you can find on the Internet. I know if I dig through my some boxes in my basement I can find my old R/C control. How-To: Real controls for R/C flight simulation - Engadget

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Wrecked Enzo Ferrari

After seeing Smack's posting I had to post this info on the wrecked Enzo Ferrari that made the news this past week. The moron driving this car was drunk at the time and actually made the car go airborne which according to Ferrari is very hard to do unless you go off a ramp. As you can see from the photos this million dollar beauty is now scrap after being cut in two. The idiot driving this car walked away with only a cut lip. I guess a million bucks buys pretty good accident protection! Of course he claims he wasn't driving. Yeah right! Apparently a German guy named "Dietrich" was driving and ran away according to this guy's story. Brad, you should have used this story when you had your famous accident. Although I did like the semi truck story you and Al came up with. For those of you who don't know your cars, this car is considered one of the greatest if not THE greatest sports cars ever made. Anyway enjoy.