Thursday, March 09, 2006

Wrecked Enzo Ferrari

After seeing Smack's posting I had to post this info on the wrecked Enzo Ferrari that made the news this past week. The moron driving this car was drunk at the time and actually made the car go airborne which according to Ferrari is very hard to do unless you go off a ramp. As you can see from the photos this million dollar beauty is now scrap after being cut in two. The idiot driving this car walked away with only a cut lip. I guess a million bucks buys pretty good accident protection! Of course he claims he wasn't driving. Yeah right! Apparently a German guy named "Dietrich" was driving and ran away according to this guy's story. Brad, you should have used this story when you had your famous accident. Although I did like the semi truck story you and Al came up with. For those of you who don't know your cars, this car is considered one of the greatest if not THE greatest sports cars ever made. Anyway enjoy.


At 3/10/2006 9:27 AM, Blogger Alexander Romero said...

Yikes!! Another ouch.

At 3/17/2006 9:48 PM, Blogger Austin said...

Your right Hung, I would never desecrate such a fine automobile the way this guy did. The Transporter would have driven it much better and beaten the SLR he was racing. Of course it would be easy because I wouldn't have been drunk like this moron was. Legal Disclaimer: The Transporter does not endorse or condone racing on public streets, especially where there might be people who could get in the way and become a casualty.


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