Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Top 100 - Google Video

This is pretty funny. Since I uploaded a video to Google Video a while ago, they sent me this email.
Hello Uploader,

It's the Google Video Team again, back with an exciting update. We've been working hard to make Google Video the best way to find and play video on the web, and we hope some of our recent features are useful to you:

- Share your video with the world, or maybe just your friends: Single-click video posting to popular blog services, including MySpace and Blogger
- Zeit-what? Now you can see a "Top 100" list, updated daily, that shows what people are watching.

Keep the video rolling... and, as they say, the best is yet to come!

Anticipating even more fun,
The Google Video Team
So I go ahead and check out the Top 100 - Google Video, of course they're almost all some type of porn. I have to think when they sent this email that wasn't what they were trying to promote. Yikes. I especially like their closing.. "Anticipating even more fun."


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