Tuesday, May 03, 2005

N.Y. to D.C. On the Chinatown Bus

To my knowledge, Allen is the only one brave enought to have ridden the Chinatown Bus from NY to DC.

On the way to New York on Dragon Coach, our driver -- a chain smoker who delivered a one-word answer to a passenger's request that he observe the no smoking sign: "driver" -- saw a traffic jam developing on the ramp to the Baltimore-Washington Parkway. So he eased the bus over the curb, drove up a muddy embankment and squeezed onto the adjacent ramp to Route 50. Then he turned to his passengers with a huge smile and said, "Ahh! Better!"

Isn't that how a bus turned over one time?? I don't think I'll be taking that bus anytime soon.


At 5/03/2005 2:55 PM, Blogger Allen Romero said...

Yep took that bus one time. It was cr8z. They showed Kung Fu movies the entire way . Myself, a random hippie and a starving college student were the only non Asian folks on the bus. I don't recommend it unless you're strapped for cash. You get what you pay for!

At 12/30/2005 8:38 PM, Blogger Moyey said...

I had a great experience, but my experience with the Eastern bus company put me off buses to New York for life.

See on moyey.blogspot.com.



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