Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Had the pin pulled from my wrist today, the most pain I have ever experienced to date while living on this planet. I passed out for a minute and woke up being held by the Resident, keeping me from falling out of the chair I was in. Quite a sight, wish I had it on tape. In case you are interested, you can learn more about SCAPHOID FRACTURES here.


At 5/11/2005 1:54 PM, Blogger Alexander Romero said...

Ouch!! I know the feeling Smacker, and I feel sorry for you.

I had a pin and a wire through my ring finger and they pulled them both out without any medication. (I have a picture that I'll post later)

It was definately painful. The funny part is how the doctor approached the situation. It went something like this.

Ok, it's time to take out the pins and wires. We can use some local anestesia (Sp?) or we can just try it and you tell us if it's too painful.

This was a bad setup. Of course I couldn't be a woos and say, "no lets not just try, give me the meds." In hindsight that would have been smarter.

So he took a pair of vice grip pliers, got his assitant to hold my hand down, and started yanking using all 190 pounds of himself.

OOOOOOOUUUUUUUCCCCCHHHHH. As the metal wire seperated from the tissue that had attached to it and slid out the holes made by the Doc in the original operation.

That experience sucked. There was no second chance for medication. Once he started pulling, he didn't stop.


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