Thursday, June 16, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me!

Hey, Boys!
Thanks for inviting me to join your blog. Actually, I guess you didn't really invite me, but anyway, here I am. I've enjoyed reading about your adventures: injuries, bike trips, vacations, etc. I have time to post something because Austin took the day off in honor of my birthday to take care of the kids and run my errands. It is heavenly. If you are wondering what to get your wives, girlfriends, or partners (I don't know everyone in this group, and I've left people out before) for their birthday, just stay home and do housework. It's great! Right now he's taking a 100-pound air conditioning unit to the fix-it shop.

Other than that, I don't have much to say right now. Most of my time is spent fixing food, cleaning up after meals, changing diapers, fishing things out of the toilet, etc. I figure those topics wouldn't be of much interest to you guys. But I did want to ask two questions, one of which I figure you'll have plenty to say.

My old college roommates and I have an electronic bulletin board (like this, but not quite so fancy-pants) on Google, and the topic recently came up of breast implants. Since it is a group of all girls, I thought I could get your imput and report back, especially since their husbands might be sugar-coating the issue to avoid getting in trouble. What are your thoughts? How important? What is a fair trade? Vasectomy (spelling?) came up as a trade-off with my girlfriends. Should it be given as a "gift" to your girlfriend or wife for her birthday or another holiday?

And the other question I had is more for my own personal curiosity. Austin claims that anyone who goes to bed before 11:00 is an old grandma. What time do you go to bed, now and before you had kids (if you have kids)?


At 6/17/2005 3:14 PM, Blogger Alexander Romero said...

Hi Katherine,

First and foremost welcome to the Blog! Thank you so much for being the first brave women to share your thoughts on this male dominated arena. We welcome your thoughts and comments. You will be honored with a picture shortly and we encourage you to post frequently.

Now on to your questions...

I too only speak for myself (so as not to get anyone but myself in deep trouble). My mom used to tease my younger brother and I that we were breastfed until we were 2. Now that I have my own kid and see what a 2 year old is like, I hope to God my mom was just kidding. Because there is something wrong with feeding your kids from the boob when they can speak. Also according to my mom, Allen (my younger bro) used to ask for it by name by saying "ushee ushee." (Pronounced ush (like push) followed by a long e like pee, putting it together it's ush-ee ush-ee). Yikes.

Why the long history, well I think it was those many years of breastfeeding that ingrained my great appreciation for the human female mammary glands.

Since big full ones seem to indicate some subconscious bountiful food supply to me, I believe nice size = good. My brain doesn't seem to care if they are real or not. Which supports Hung's point of how visual men are.

In fact art history would tell us that for many...many centuries, men have had an appreciation for a good size set of boobs. Just look at all the Greek and Roman sculptures and paintings. I can't recall one where a small breasted women was prominently painted. (Of course it could also be that my subconscious just overlooked any small breasted women in those paintings. Perhaps an art historian could correct me.)

Of course those women were also a bit pudgy, but in those days, that's how you wound up with a nice rack.

Now I side with Hung in that I don't think it should be encouraged by a husband. It's up to the woman. Most importantly any surgery is VERY…VERY serious business, and there is always the possibility that going under the knife, means not coming out. To me any elective surgery is something that should be entered into only after very careful consideration and thought. I say elective because it’s different for a woman who has had a mastectomy due to cancer or something and wants to reconstruct things.

As a father, who is looking forward to more kids, I also worry about implants and breastfeeding. I don’t really know the facts behind this, but I just prefer my wife avoid the whole situation with any of our future children.

I don’t like talk of this “fair trade” business. I go back to my original point. Any “elective” surgery is up to that person, not their spouse / significant other. I don’t want anybody messing with my plumbing!

On the gift question, I would say no. Because a gift would be an incentive from another person (note all the issues with Congress on this subject). Perhaps if that person was totally indifferent, then bigger boobs can be given as a gift, assuming that was a gift that the recipient wanted?? Better to just stay away from the whole gift thing.

Ok, on to the last question. I have kids and I “try” to go to bed by 11:00 PM every night. Unfortunately it’s usually 12:00 or later by the time my head actually hits the pillow. I go to bed early because I know little Grant will be waking me up around 6 AM no matter what time I go to bed. So the earlier I get to bed, the more sleep I get.

BTW I too used to be a night owl and enjoy staying up late. I go to bed at 11:00 PM by choice, not because I’m usually tired.

Please continue to Post Post away!

At 6/17/2005 6:44 PM, Blogger smackerama said...

Easy one first. If I am asleep by 2 AM, I am doing well. But normally it is closer to 3:30. No kids to wake me up, thank goodness.

Implants are not my thing. Having experienced different types/styles of the years (Saline vs. Silicone & Big vs. Small), I have found that most females are not in need of them. By all means, if you have had breast cancer and are missing a boob, it is the right options. I have just found that most of my female friends who 'want' them really don't take into consideration the risks associated with the proceedure. It's not like getting a new set of rims for your truck.

Although they do look nice with the clothes on, they almost always look butchered when the clothes are bunched up on the floor. Case in point, I can email to anyone of you the hi-res shots of Tara Reid at Puff Daddy's party, on the red carpet, when the shoulder strap of her dress slipped down, exposing her very large, mutillated breast.

Lastly, welcome to the group. I have know Austin and Brad longer than I have know the Romeros. I can remember what the Thomas' Mitsubishi Conquest TSI was brand new! I look forward to your contributions.


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