Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Boy's Retreat Weekend

Thank you Brad! For originally suggesting the idea of getting together over the July 16 weekend. It was a simple idea, but something the four of us had not done since about 1996? That's way too long to go in between hanging out and having some fun.

The prework started long before the weekend for those of us with a wife and kid(s). We had to carefully negotiate freedom from our domestic responsibilities. Once freedom was granted, the weekend started, and we were chill'n. We could pretend like we were back in highschool, but somehow each conversation drifted to work, wife, or child, snapping us back to reality.

So now it was time for some manly activities like white water rafting. Here we were ready to go, unsuspecting of what a disappointing and low adventure rafting trip we were in store for.

Basically it was like riding down the lazy river at the Smurf theme park. There were almost no rapids, and the little rapids we did have, were filled with river guides spewing commands at us to ensure our safety. Safety from what? The scariest thing was the horse fly that almost got us. If you don't believe me check out how "vicious" the water is behind Austin. Of course he stoicly paddled through it.

As the weekend went on it was great to enjoy eachother's friendship, and we were shocked to realize we've known eachother for 20+ years. More suprisingly we all agreed we've changed very little.

Especially Hung, whom appears to have a somewhat scary series of pictures. Note that none of these are staged, it's just Hung's natural pose when taking a picture.

First in his apt.

Then in front of Austin's car.

And on the rafting trip.

Can you identify a pattern? And Hung you call me angry? Hmmm.


At 7/21/2005 6:15 PM, Blogger Allen Romero said...

looks like good times. I like how AGR is showing off his new fighting weight sans shirt.

At 7/23/2005 12:44 PM, Blogger Austin said...

I was especially impressed by the captaining of our raft by Alex and the steering skills of our skipper Brad. Without those two "guiding" us down the river, I don't know how we would have made it through those rapids.


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