Monday, July 11, 2005

Vienna VA number 4 in Money Mag's Best Places to Live

I know Alex doesn't like Virginia but I happen to like it and was heartened to learn that Vienna Va was fourth on the list of Money Magazine's Best Places to Live listing . Don't feel too bad Alex, Mill Valley California squeezes in at number ten. Virginia overall had 41 contenders and 4 finalists for a 9% finalist rate. Not bad for a state that is dwarfed in size and population by California. California had 222 contenders and 11 finalists for only a 5% finalist rate. Don't get me wrong, I like many places in California but I just thought someone should stand up for Virginia.


At 7/11/2005 1:13 PM, Blogger Allen Romero said...

I'm not anti-Virgina as I'm quite proud of my southern roots, but I can only take a survey that lists two town in New Jersey as the top in the country with a grain of salt!

At 7/11/2005 6:34 PM, Blogger Austin said...

Despite all the crappy places in NJ there are some very nice areas. I've been to them. You just have to make sure you don't get lost on your way to the nice areas. Not unlike Oakland CA.


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