Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A rare night

I wanted to try to keep up with all of Sandy's posts. We lucked out here for the Fourth, no fog, so check out these first 4 wonderful pictures. Makes you want to move back, huh?


At 7/06/2005 8:55 AM, Blogger Alexander Romero said...

First picture is very cool! Although it's just as I remember, foggy on 4th of July which means seeing fireworks is very difficult.

It was hot as heck here in DC. After 1.5 years here I think my body is starting to unwillingly adjust to the heat and humidity.

At 7/06/2005 8:33 PM, Blogger Allen Romero said...

Actually, it was fairly clear for the bay area. When the first firework set went off I was like wow! that is pretty cool as they lit up the suprisingly clear city. Usually it's just a puff of colored smoke. I had a good view of both the Wharf and Ft. Mason shows atop 1849 Chestnut.

At 7/07/2005 5:03 AM, Blogger smackerama said...

They say it was the best weather in the 11 years of doing fireworks off of barges in the Bay.


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