Monday, August 29, 2005

Fun at North Carolina

Hi, Boys!
I just wanted to say a few things about the trip to the beach, myself. Alex says he has no confidence that I will actually blog since I don't blog very frequently, but the minute I take my eyes off my kids, I find my 10-month old leaning over the edge of the toilet squooshing poop between her fingers that my 3-year old didn't flush. Seriously, be very glad you are not stay-at-home dads!

At any rate, the trip was fun. It was beautiful weather, almost like Northern California, huh Alex? The pool was great, the company was funny. In fact, I wish you could have all been there. Austin and I learned many interesting things about the Romeros, Alex in particular. At one point, I actually heard him say, "Where's the scrapbooking magazine; I haven't read that one yet." He enjoys the movie, Sound of Music. He overpacks, and he changes diapers. But, I would be misleading you if I didn't mention that he's still the manly boy you knew in highschool. He took Jayde out almost everyday on some sort of adventure. Her favorite was being pulled with Grant in a trailer off the back of Alex's bike. That might not sound like a big deal, but keep in mind that he was pulling (or pushing in a stroller) these kids through sand that SUVs were getting stuck in. That's why Jayde has a crush on him. And that's saying a lot because she has started comparing guys to Tom Cruz lately.

Anyway, these are just a few details about the trip from the Thomas family. Have a great day!


At 8/31/2005 11:21 AM, Blogger Alexander Romero said...

Catherine, I am pleased (and impressed) that you have blogged. I encourage you to keep on blogging.

I think the word of the day for Simone and Jayde should be "Flush."

I have no trouble admitting that I enjoy watching the movie the Sound of Music, and don't believe this makes me gay. But I am comforable with my heterosexuality.

I'm glad that everyone had a fun time and happy I could entertain Jayde for an hour or so per day during my exercise.

Although I'm not sure about the crush thing, since she dissed me at Grant's B-day party ;-(

At 9/16/2005 11:19 AM, Blogger Austin said...

We look forward to the next beach adventure too. Anyone up for the next level of Austin Adventures, a deserted island in the middle of nowhere.



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