Friday, August 12, 2005

I like to be Efficient

When I can, I like to avoid waiting in any line. Especially a food line at lunch time. So if possible I'll call in my order ahead of time so I can just pay and pick it up. Well last time I was in Five Guys (which has good burgers) I saw and advertisement for WaitLess.

Today I tried it out and overall it worked pretty good. Because I didn't have to pay for my food at the register like I usually do when I call it in. Instead I paid for it through Waitless, then just went to the pickup area.

Since the price of the food was inexpensive (under $7.00) they charged me $0.50 for the transaction, however they gave me a $1 off coupon, so I still saved $0.50 net. To avoid the $0.50 fee they offer a prepay package, but I didn't want to do that on the first go of it. Not sure I'd do that unless I found myself using it A LOT.

Anyway, check it out, I thought it worked well.


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