Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Deadheads rebel against Web crackdown

Interesting how the tune is changing, eh?

Deadheads rebel against Web crackdown | CNET

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

alternative gas

This wired article says rising gas prices are a good thing for innovation. I sure hope so, but the real culprit in my mind are the f'ing car companies. Come on people! We're not talking about wormholes, just figure out how to run more efficient cars and use alternate energy sources. What's taking so f'in long?

At Last...The Announcement, Google and the Library of Congress

Google announced today their collaborative efforts with the Library of Congress.

During the past year, Google has digitized about 5,000 books from the Library of Congress as part of a pilot project to refine the techniques to make copies of fragile books without damaging them. In the next phase of the project, Billington said Google will digitize books and other materials from the Library of Congress Law Library.

Here's the Washington Post Article World Digital Library Planned

Steadman Band

I caught these guys on the TWIT podcast, Steadman Band. They're a band that has been signed by major labels, but all the labels they signed with either went under, or got bought. The result was the acquiring labels didn't care or promote them. So they decided to go independent, and in doing so are offering all their music for free on their site!

They're biggest claim to fame is that Paul McCartney gave them a big endorsement. Anyway, I've down loaded a few of their albums and like 'em. So check them out and put them on your Ipod.

...Speaking of that, Brad, did you ever get your Ipod after salivating over mine on the boat trip? Hope you get one for Christmas ;-)

Monday, November 21, 2005

San Francisco Grand Prix canceled

Bummer, this was fun to watch.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The San Francisco Grand Prix, a cycling race that attracted the likes of Lance Armstrong, was canceled for next year because organizers could not agree with the city over pay for police and other services.

"Sadly, it's a no-win situation, and we simply cannot go forward," said David Chauner, director of San Francisco Cycling LLC, which founded the 108-mile race. It is considered one of the country's most challenging races because of its length and the city's steep hills.

The cancellation, announced Sunday, comes as officials argue over how much of the race's cost -- if any -- should be absorbed by the city.

Mayor Gavin Newsom's office has said the city would pay some expenses because the event attracts tourists. This year's Labor Day weekend race generated $10.2 million for city businesses, according to a study commissioned by the San Francisco Con
vention & Visitors Bureau.

The Board of Supervisors initially approved a deal in April to pay much of the cost of policing the event in exchange for 40 percent of the race's profits. But some questioned why organizers should be allowed to have the race -- originally set for Sept. 10, 2006 -- despite an outstanding bill for $89,924 from last year's event.

San Francisco Cycling and Newsom's office said the city mailed the bill only this month.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Black Friday

Shop-till-you-drop specials, revealed here first | CNET

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Boat Trip...A Success!

So here it is, the long awaited picture from our sail to St. Michaels. It was a great trip and we couldn't have been any luckier on the weather. 20 knot winds and 65 degrees in mid-November?? It was awesome!!


I'm pleased to report that with our nautical maps, autopilot, two GPS's, and Austin (a.k.a. The Transporter) as both Navigator and Helmsman we navigated with but only one bump along the way. She was a big boat, 40' Jeanneau, and quite comfy I might add.

My favorite quote from the trip, was of course from Hung who said, "Al, stop with the sailing terms sh$!, just tell me to pull that f%#@9'n rope." I understand Hung's frustration with the numerous sailing terms. Hopefully after a few more trips he'll be shouting out "grab the jib sheets...helms alee!" like a pro!

So what's next...America's Cup? Keep an eye out on OLN for us! Or perhaps just monitor VHF channel 16 in case we get in trouble.


Messed Up CD's

Not sure if any of you have been following this, but Sony music has several CD's that install this ridiculous software that is extremely onerous. It's a nasty program that is called a root-kit that supposedly once installed is undetectable and remains on your system, beaming back info to Sony about your listening habits. There's a lot of folks that are up in arms about this. I agree with them that it's ridiculous for Sony to do this and be sneaky about it. Here's one link, but there's a lot out there if you're interested Rootkit: Sony-BMG's EULA

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Moblogging from the Chesapeake

This is pretty cool. Realtime images of Brad sick on the sailboat sent from my phone to the blog.

Monday, November 14, 2005


I post this up more so because of the funny 1 liner on, since it is so close to home.

"San Francisco police shocked to find hookers using Craigslist to solicit clientele. Apparently thought this kind of thing only happend on Van Ness, O'Farrell, Polk, Hyde, the entire Mission District and every place east of Market St."

South SF police find prostitution ring on Craigslist

I love Borat

Print Story: Kazakhstan threatens "Borat" with court on Yahoo! News

Friday, November 11, 2005

Annapolis to St. Michael's Float Plan

This weekend, Brad, Austin, Hung, and I are off to sail a 38' Beneteau from Annapolis to St. Michael's. I did the charting last night and have our course. See below picture. For some reason it scanned in, in negative. I have no idea why, but don't have the time to fool with it.

It should be a great trip! 
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Thursday, November 10, 2005

With map in hand, I'm plotting our course from Annapolis, MD, to St. Michael's MD. It looks like we're going to have spectacular weather! 
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Poker Anyone

I so want to do this.

Play Poker with the Sopranos and Ray Romano

Friday, November 04, 2005

Bartenders Psychology

Blogdreamz just randomly blogged to my Personal Blog (which is always kind of weird). So I checked her out and she had a pretty funny blog entry, so thought I would post it here for a laugh. I especially like the one about White Zinfandel

Before you order a drink in public, you should read this!

Seven New York City bartenders were asked if they could nail a woman's personality based on what she drinks. Though interviewed separately, they concurred on almost all counts.

The results:

Beer: Personality: Causal, low-maintenance; down to earth. Your Approach: Challenge her to a game of pool.

Blender Drinks: Personality: Flaky, whiny, annoying; a pain in the ass.
Your Approach: Avoid her, unless you want to be her cabana boy.

Mixed Drinks: Personality: Older, more refined, high maintenance, has very picky taste; knows EXACTLY what she wants.
Your Approach: You won''t have to approach her. If she''s interested, she''ll send you a drink.

Wine: (does not include White Zinfandel) Personality: Conservative and classy; sophisticated yet giggles.
Your Approach: Tell her you love to travel and spend quiet evenings with friends.

White Zinfandel: Personality: Easy; thinks she is classy and sophisticated, actually, she has NO clue.
Your Approach: Make her feel smarter than she is...this should be an easy target.

Shots: Personality: Likes to hang with frat-boy pals and looking to get
totally drunk ... and naked.
Your Approach: Easiest hit in the joint. You have been blessed. Nothing to do but wait, however, be careful not to make her mad!

Tequilla: No explanations required -- everyone just KNOWS what happens there.

THEN, there is the MALE addendum ---- The deal with guys is, as always, very simple and clear cut:

Domestic Beer: He''s poor and wants to get laid.

Imported Beer: He likes good beer and wants to get laid.

Whiskey: He doesn't give a damn about anything but getting laid.

Tequila: He is thinking he has a chance with the toothless waitress

White Zinfandel: He's gay

Sweet!! Cali Plates!!

Awesome!! Double G got me Cali Plates on my car so I'll be all ready to go when we move to Cali. I can't wait because it's starting to get cold around here. --Grant Oops. Grant got a little carried away when blogging and accidentally blogged this to Big Al's friends site. Figured I'd leave it up as a few of you may get a kick out of it. Alexander...

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Baby Sitter Hung!

Who knew that Hung was such a good babysitter. Allison and I were in a pinch last week and needed someone to watch Grant for on and a half hours. Hung graciously agreed to do so and Baby G and him had a great time. Thanks Hung! 
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Video Ipod Purchased

After patiently waiting a week or two and keeping an eye out for deal, I came to the conclusion there weren't going to be any great deals on the new Video Ipod. I tried over and over to use that darn Target 10% of coupon, but everytime I was denied. I think it said the promotion wasn't available on the purchase. So in the end, I bought it from Amazon. With no tax, and free shipping it was the best deal.

Now Brad and Hung, it's time for you guys to get one!