Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Steadman Band

I caught these guys on the TWIT podcast, Steadman Band. They're a band that has been signed by major labels, but all the labels they signed with either went under, or got bought. The result was the acquiring labels didn't care or promote them. So they decided to go independent, and in doing so are offering all their music for free on their site!

They're biggest claim to fame is that Paul McCartney gave them a big endorsement. Anyway, I've down loaded a few of their albums and like 'em. So check them out and put them on your Ipod.

...Speaking of that, Brad, did you ever get your Ipod after salivating over mine on the boat trip? Hope you get one for Christmas ;-)


At 11/22/2005 1:39 PM, Blogger Allen Romero said...

Am I the only person who has still never put a podcast on their iPod?

What kind of technoweenie am I?


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