Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Blog Email Notification

I just signed up all the authors for a Yahoo Group that enables email notification for when someone posts a new blog entry or a comment.

I tried to do this through the setup but they don't have a feature to email several email addresses. It can only email one.

So I had to setup a Yahoo Group, which the blog will send a message to, which will then get sent to everyone on the list.

We'll try it out and you guys can tell me if you like it.

It's helpful with knowing when folks post comments, because those are hard to catch unless you sift back through all the entries.


At 5/11/2005 5:27 PM, Blogger Alexander Romero said...

I did this because of the following.

I automatically receive emails whenever a comment is posted to the blog.

I've found it to be useful, because I may not know when folks go back and post comments. For example I may forget that a post had 2 comments before and now has 3 so I don't check it.

Anyway, this is yet another test. If it turns out not to be useful we can disable it. It isn't an all or nothing situation, meaning that if you don't like it, I can turn it off for you but leave it on for Hung.

Bascially try it and see if you like / dislike it and let me know.

Anyway, right now I haven't got it to work yet.


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