Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Va. Board Raises Fees On Dulles Toll Road (washingtonpost.com)

This is BS. They are doubling the Toll on the Dulles Toll road! $0.50 cents at each gate now!

Va. Board Raises Fees On Dulles Toll Road (washingtonpost.com)

Here's the best part. It's not even for the damn road!! It's to pay for the project to bring Metrorail out to the area. What the hell???

This makes no sense to me. Can't they sell Govt. Bonds or something to finance that. Doesn't VA have a $1 Billion surplus this year??

I'm still researching about Toll roads to find evidence that will enlighten Brad as to how grossly inefficient they are as a source of tax revenue.

I already get Taxed at the gas pump for the road, why do I have to pay again!! How about they put gas stations on the Toll road that don't have the Gas Tax included in the sales price. Yea right. We'd never see that.

Do you ever think that we are essentially triple or quadrouple taxed sometimes. We get taxes taken out of our paycheck, then we get taxed when we buy gas, then we get taxed when we go on the toll road.

Oh yea, here's a fourth tax. The VA State Police like to setup a speedtrap through the Fasttoll lane. The posted speed limit is 35 MPH there. Yet I've NEVER EVER seen anyone slow down to that speed. So, WHACK. Tax number four as they shoot fish in a barrel pulling over people in the Fasttoll lane.

I've got to stop blogging and start writing my state represenetatives.


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