Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I want to waive my right to Social Security

So according to this article FICA stands for Federal Insurance Contributions Act and it was implemented back in 1935, and amended in 1939 allowing the IRS to collect for it. Interestingly enough, the article mentions questions about the constitutionality of the 1935 act. (Read in depth here the history of it and how the New Deal items were being overturned. I don't remember learning this at Langley??)

Here is what I want to know. Since I'm 31, and not expecting to EVER see ANY money from the Social Security Administration, how can I opt out of it?? Here's what I want to do, I want to sign some document that says I will not get to collect any Social Security in the future, but then I also don't have to contribute to it ever. Instead I save for my own retirement.

This seems fair to me. Why can't I choose whether or not I want the Governement to save for me?? I know Bush was working on something to fix SSA but I feel like it's lost steam. Plus, I don't care if it's a Republican or Democrat in office but I know one thing for sure, I can not count on the Govt. to provide for me. Just as all the victims of the recent hurricanes have unfortunately found out. The Govt. is just too big, and too inefficient.

Perhaps someone can answer this, but aren't a bunch of Govt. Employees and Congress Exempt from SSA because they have their own Pension Plan or something like that? If I'm remembering it right it's typical do as I say, not as I do mentality of Congress.

Who's with me on this? I've got to get working on a letters to Bush, my Congressmen, and Bill O'reilly.

This is interesting too. Straight from it says that indeed FICA is a Tax, not a contribution. Now my blood really boils when I hear folks call it a contribution. Even the Govt. calls it a tax.

More interesting History from
Helvering vs. Davis:

George P. Davis was a minor stockholder in the Edison Electric Illuminating Company. Edison, like every industrial employer in the nation, was readying itself to start paying the employers' share of the payroll tax in January 1937. Mr. Davis objected to this arguing that by making this expenditure Edison was robbing him of part of his equity, so he sued Edison to prevent their compliance with the Social Security Act. The government intervened on Edison's behalf and the Commissioner of the IRS (Mr. Helvering) took on the lawsuit.

The attorneys for Davis argued that the payroll tax was a new type of tax not listed in the Constitution's tally of taxes, and so it was unconstitutional. At one point they even introduced into their argument the definitions of "taxes" from dictionaries in 1788 (the year before the Constitution was ratified) to prove how earnest they were in the belief that powers not explicitly granted in 1789 could not be created in 1935. Davis was also of the view that providing for the general welfare of the aged was a power reserved to the states. The government argued that this was too inflexible an interpretation of the powers granted to Congress, and (loosely) that if the country could not expand the interpretation of the Constitution as it stood in 1789 progress would be impossible and it would still be 1789.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Annapolis Sailboat Show

The Annapolis Sailboat Show is next weekend. Allison, Grant, and I will be headed there on Sunday to pick out our "future" yacht.

Can't wait to teach the Grantster how to sail. If anyone else in the area is interested in going let us know.

Nip Tuck Rocks!

I'm not one to watch very much Fiction TV (I prefer Fox News running endlessly in the background), however there is one entertaining show that Allison and I have fun watching, and that's Nip Tuck on FX.

It's very selacios and entertaining. It's on tonight so check it out. Kimber rocks!

Blogger Help : What is the word verification option?

Ok, some of you have probably seen these annoying random comments that direct you toward some BS website, or advertisement. These are called Spam Blogger comments and I'm am enabling the new option to hopefully prevent these. Read more about it in Blogger Help : What is the word verification option?

Does Tatsuya have anything to do with this???

Monday, September 26, 2005

Why I love San Francisco

This weekend I've got a sailing certification class which will certify me to bareboat charter boats up to 50'. I'm very much looking forward to it.

Here's a great quote straight from the study book I'm reading:
The San Francisco Bay area offers a classic example of daily sea breezes during the summer months. The inland valleys heat up to the 90 or 100+ degree mark. The Pacific High, a gigantic high pressure zone, settles in over the cool ocean. Every day dense offshore air rushes in to fill the vacuum created in teh valleys. The result is a predictable 20 to 25 knot breeze. Diehard sailors treasure these winds the same way dedciated skiers worship fresh powder.

Ahh. Can't wait to return to SF. Sept. 2006!

Found a new Site for Searching for Airfare -

My brother Charlie just told me about this site, for searching for low airfares. I checked it out and it is great for one important reason. It aggregrates airfares from companies like Southwest, Independence Air, and JetBlue, which don't show up on other Airfare searching sites.

This was a major issue I had with Orbitz and Expedia because they don't aggregate those companies (and others). Instead they only seem to cover the big guys like United, Delta, American, etc. So after checking Expedia, I'd then have to check, and, which was a pain.

Plus the UI is pretty cool with the sliders.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Pacific Heights ski jump is on again / SF panel votes 8-0 to approve

Hell Yeah!!

Pacific Heights ski jump is on again / SF panel votes 8-0 to approve event next week

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Great Quote

"I'm not a member of any organized political party, I'm a Democrat!"

- Will Rogers

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Gotta love the SF Stupidvisors!

A good read from

San Francisco Gun Ban A Losing Proposition

Ridiculous things on the Net

After clicking through numerous links while browsing the Wikipedia definition of Marina I happened upon a site dedicated to:

The best collection of E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) booth babes from past to present!! Our concept is simple create a trading floor for all E3 fanatics to upload and share their E3 babe pictures, because we all know - you didn't only play the games! E3Girls

This is truly ridiculous.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

BYU Named Nation's Fittest College Campus

You can see why I didn't fit in so well.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Domain Name Registration from Yahoo! Small Business

This is very cheap, $10 for 5 years.