Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Nip Tuck Rocks!

I'm not one to watch very much Fiction TV (I prefer Fox News running endlessly in the background), however there is one entertaining show that Allison and I have fun watching, and that's Nip Tuck on FX.

It's very selacios and entertaining. It's on tonight so check it out. Kimber rocks!


At 9/29/2005 1:21 AM, Blogger Allen Romero said...

I hate TV and I hate what it's doing to our society. It sucks you in like a blackhole, clueless to the numbness it sends through your body often dulling your reciptors for hours. I think it's worse than using drugs.

For entertainment, may I suggest a family sing-a-long, a walk in the park, a long bike ride, anything but TV.

FWIW, I'm not kidding.

At 10/01/2005 12:19 PM, Blogger Allen Romero said...

wow. i've never seen an upside down smiley face. ;-)


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