Tuesday, May 03, 2005

bigger is better

if you're tired of all the tinyurl.com ripoffs that are floating around the internet, try hugeurl.com because bigger is better!


At 5/03/2005 4:30 PM, Blogger Alexander Romero said...

I really don't see the poing of either of these sites?? Maybe it's just me. Waste of a website.

Also, what's wrong with using proper capitilization?

At 5/05/2005 2:24 PM, Blogger Allen Romero said...

hugeurl.com is a parody website making fun of tinyurl.com.

tinyurl.com was needed when sending long URLs in email. Most clients cut off sentences over a specific lenght, usually around 72 characters.

Hey look. Here I am. This is a URL that I would make tiny.

like this

I think you've lived on the east coast for too long. I'm starting to get worried.


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