Saturday, May 28, 2005

I live under a rock!

My wife tells me I live under a rock as I didn't know about Fergie (see hot picture below). Turns out she is a hottie in the Black Eyed Peas Band and is quite the rage. Both my wife and her cousin say they want to be Fergie because she's cool.

Allison convinced me to by their new song "Don't Phunk With My Heart." For those of you who are also "no longer cool" due to Wife and Kid, go ahead and get the song to feel cool again!

I'm feeling hipper already. Think I'll put on my trend shirt!

(BTW to show how really cool I am, check out the time stamp on this blog entry. Woo hoo....rockin Saturday night for me!)


At 5/30/2005 9:47 PM, Blogger Allen Romero said...

big al's porn blog again. sweet!

At 6/02/2005 9:29 PM, Blogger Austin said...

Fergie WHO?? With two kids I think I'm in the most uncool category with Brad. I don't even know who she is!!


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