Friday, May 20, 2005

Awesome day Sailing in San Francisco!

Ahhh, sailing on San Francisco Bay on the most perfect day! Awesome! It was a small crew with me as the skipper. Crew included my dad, Eric Shapiro, Allen, and my cousin Maria Paula who was in all the way from Colombia!

Hey what about organizing that sailing trip in the Carribean? Brad, weren't you supposed to organize that?

We sailed out of Sausalito from Cass Marina where we rented the boat (BTW Cass Marina is great, ask for Louis, she's very nice). From there we went across the bay to Crissy Field, then behind Alcatraz, toward Angel Island, and finally back to Sausalito.


At 6/02/2005 9:36 PM, Blogger Austin said...

Brad and I have talked in the past about chartering a sailboat to scuba dive around the Carribean. You in Al? The kid situation might make it a trip to take in a few years. I'm happy to go now but I think I would have a hard time convincing Katherine to leave the little ones with somebody for a week until they are a little older.


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