Thursday, May 19, 2005

Reading The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness

As many of you know I'm a HUGE fan of Stephen Covey, especially his 7 Habits books. For Christmas Allen got me Stephen's new book The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness .

I got a chance to catch up on reading the book on my return flight from SF yesterday. It has so much valuable insight and explanation that I'm sure I'll continue to refer to it from time to time on the blog as I often do in my personal and business life.

I especially liked the following quote which led me to particular pause and introspection.

One ship drives East and another drives West
With the self same winds that blow.
'Tis the set of the sails,
And not the gales,
That tells us the way to go.
Like the winds of the sea are the ways of fate;
As we voyage along through life,
'Tis the set of a soul
That decides its goal,
And not the calm, or the strife.

- Ella Wheeler Wilcox


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