Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Gotta Love DC!

This is absolutely ridiculous!! Can someone please give the DC Govt. and everyone that works for it some smelling salts, then smack them into reality, then fire them all?? I mean, the DC Police Chief's Car was stolen!!

When will they wake up and fix these systematic problems that permeate every part of the DC Govt.?? From the Police Dept to DC Schools, you name it, the inefficiencies and lack or proactivity is pervasive.

What bother's me is that the standards of Govt. service continue to deteriorate and yet people accept it. Why?? Probably because the folks that run those agencies accept it and that Leadership (or lack there of) trickles down to everyone.

Instead of being mad and outraged, the Police Chief blew off the event as no big deal. Here's his exact quote "The car was taken, and there was nothing of real value in it. Cars are getting stolen every day."

I can' believe this.


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