Monday, June 27, 2005

New Shink "Bullet Train" in Japan!

The new fastest bullet train in the world is now operational in Japan, although it won't start taking passengers until 2011 because of the long rigorous tests required in Japan. It has a cruising speed of 223 mph and a top speed of 250 mph.

I'd go back to Japan just to ride it. We could use one on the east coast between NYC and DC. I know there has been talk of building one, but no one with enough money seems to have the guts to really push the idea. I could get into a deep intellectual discussion on the topic but I have work to get back to. Maybe another time.


At 6/28/2005 8:14 AM, Blogger Alexander Romero said...

I am curious as to why Bullet trains in Japan and elsewhere work, but here in the US they don't.

I know right now Amtrack is HEAVILY subsidized by the Federal Government. However I'm sure the money is being wasted which is probably why we have no bullet train.


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