Tuesday, June 28, 2005

National Treasure Movie is No Indiana Jones

Last night after putting Grant to sleep, I decided to take it easy and instead of the usual of working on the computer, I ordered National Treasure. I knew it wasn't going to be that good, but it was the only thing that looked even mildly entertaining.

I'll make this short and sweet. Don't bother renting it. It seems to me they tried to copy Indiana Jones, but let me tell you, Nicholas Cage is no Harrison Ford and in general, the plot, the acting, and the casting, were all very poor.

Bottom line, it is no Indiana Jones. Not even close.

Of course it was rated PG so perhaps it would be good for pre-teens who might think it is cool. I don't know any pre-teens so I have no info on this. In general I found it cheesy.


At 6/29/2005 4:08 PM, Blogger Alexander Romero said...

I will withold further comment on this and wait for the Movie Oracle...Austin to make the final determiniation.

At 7/11/2005 6:25 PM, Blogger Austin said...

Sorry Alex, I have to agree with Brad on this one. It is not Indiana Jones, but it is an entertaining movie that is well done enough to enjoy.


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