Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Optimal Saddle Position

I just got some new shoes and pedals a couple weeks ago and have been testing them out. One thing I found is that a small adjustment in saddle height, or seat forward/back position can make a big difference over long distances like 35+ miles. So with the new shoes and pedals this slightly moved me from my prior position and as a result, I felt a whole bunch of muscles that were being used differently.

A while ago at a bike clinic I got the sheet (see picture) that shows optimal seat position to achieve different results. So I dug through my archives (which many of you know is quite extensive since I'm a pack rat) and found the sheet.

I'm passing it on to the rest of you who are also bike riders.


At 6/29/2005 11:23 AM, Blogger Allen Romero said...

you and your scanner are *good* friends. i still have a love hate relationship with mine.


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