Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Combs Elementary Leadership Magnet Elementary School

In reading the 8th Habit book I found a fascinating story about the AB Combs Elementary School. Their school mission says it perfectly, "To develop leaders one child at a time." I love that!!

The Principal envisioned introducing principle-based character education into the curriculum of a K-5 school (little children ranging from about ages 5 through 10), and of involving fellow administrators, faculty, and families in the preparation. She chose The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People as the curriculum.

When asked how introducing principle-centered character training into the curriculum had impacted academic performance, she replied that the impact had been profound. "Eighteen months ago, 67 percent of our students performed at or above grade level in national academic standards; today 94 percent are at or above grade level."

Hmm, is it time for us to relocate to North Carolina to enroll Grant in AB Combs?

Check out all the awards they've won. I'm very impressed!!

# National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence (given by the U.S. Dept. of Education)
# National Magnet Schools of Excellence Award, three years running ( highest award given by the National Magnet Schools of America ). Named one of the top five magnet schools (out of thousands) in the U.S. in academic performance, with 98 percent of their students performing at or above grade level.
# North Carolina School of Excellence (based on academic achievement)
# North Carolina Governor's Entrepreneurial Award ( awarded for leadership and risk-taking in education)
# Winner, National Schools of Character
# Invited to present at the Model Schools Conference, 2004
# Finalist for the 21 st Century Award for Educational Excellence, 2004


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