Saturday, June 25, 2005

Hey Dulles Toll Road, GIMMEE MY MONEY BACK!

The geniuses putting together the expansion of the Metro just got the some good news. Surprise, surprise, the construction firms now estimate that the project will cost 60% more than they thought! About $2.4 Billion.

Of course they have some bright ideas to lower the costs, like "deviating from Metrorail construction standards," and "eliminating pedestrian bridges."

My favorite is they are going to bag the whole Tunnel idea through Tysons Corner, and instead make it above ground somehow??

Just to recap, politicians promised us Metro if they could raise tolls on the Dulles Toll Road, now the cost is too high so they have to make cuts (if they even can make cuts), so where is our money from the tolls going?

Oh, I'm sure it's being safely tucked away in a safe for when the project comes to fruition...just like the money I pay into Social Security is safely being kept for me later. YEAH RIGHT!

Here's the article from the Post Price Soars For Extension Of Metrorail


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