Thursday, June 30, 2005

Exactly what happens when you get the wind knocked out of you?

My email account has these little messages that pop up as I'm checking my email. Like...Exactly what happens when you get the wind knocked out of you?

I find myself intrigued by these questions so I check them.

BTW I hate it when I get the wind knocked out of me and am thankful it hasn't happened in like 15 years.

The last time I can remember was when I was skiing with Chad someplace in Maine, my ski boot broke, and I hit a tree trunk smack right on my human trunk at what seemed like 30 MPH.

Thought I was going to die at the time. Luckily I was young and recovered.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Actress Jennifer Tilly Wins Poker Event - Yahoo! News

Actress Jennifer Tilly Wins Poker Event - Yahoo! News

I love poker.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

New Podcast with Itunes 4.9

I just downloaded and installed the latest version of Apple - iTunes 4.9. This new version of iTunes supports podcasts and I've added a few to my iTunes so that they will be downloaded to my iPod.

I had just started to hear about Podcasts recently and had listened to a few. I'm excited to test this out and see how it works. Now if only G Gordon could do a Podcast I'd be set!

keyhole is now free

Yep. Keyhole, rebranded Google Earth, is now free! Download it at Warning! This product is more addictive than reality TV! Enjoy!

National Treasure Movie is No Indiana Jones

Last night after putting Grant to sleep, I decided to take it easy and instead of the usual of working on the computer, I ordered National Treasure. I knew it wasn't going to be that good, but it was the only thing that looked even mildly entertaining.

I'll make this short and sweet. Don't bother renting it. It seems to me they tried to copy Indiana Jones, but let me tell you, Nicholas Cage is no Harrison Ford and in general, the plot, the acting, and the casting, were all very poor.

Bottom line, it is no Indiana Jones. Not even close.

Of course it was rated PG so perhaps it would be good for pre-teens who might think it is cool. I don't know any pre-teens so I have no info on this. In general I found it cheesy.

Optimal Saddle Position

I just got some new shoes and pedals a couple weeks ago and have been testing them out. One thing I found is that a small adjustment in saddle height, or seat forward/back position can make a big difference over long distances like 35+ miles. So with the new shoes and pedals this slightly moved me from my prior position and as a result, I felt a whole bunch of muscles that were being used differently.

A while ago at a bike clinic I got the sheet (see picture) that shows optimal seat position to achieve different results. So I dug through my archives (which many of you know is quite extensive since I'm a pack rat) and found the sheet.

I'm passing it on to the rest of you who are also bike riders.

Dave Chappelle

Buy surprise, Dave Chappelle ended up playing two shows here in SF tonight. I had seen him at the very sold out show held at the Fillmore, where they taped his Showtime special and wasn't too impressed. Tonight however was a different story. The 2 & 1/2 hours he performed flew by, the only bad thing I can say is that the management of the venue is very poor, and I don't look forward to going back there. In a city they has 2 other major comedy clubs, the Punchline needs a lot of help. I did get to shake Dave's hand after the show and told him "Welcome Back" to which he thanked me personally. This is yet another example of how great it is to live in SF.

Monday, June 27, 2005

New Shink "Bullet Train" in Japan!

The new fastest bullet train in the world is now operational in Japan, although it won't start taking passengers until 2011 because of the long rigorous tests required in Japan. It has a cruising speed of 223 mph and a top speed of 250 mph.

I'd go back to Japan just to ride it. We could use one on the east coast between NYC and DC. I know there has been talk of building one, but no one with enough money seems to have the guts to really push the idea. I could get into a deep intellectual discussion on the topic but I have work to get back to. Maybe another time.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Playing Frogger in Tysons Corner!

Another article from the Post on what I affectionately call, the Tysons Corner Cluster F@#$. (See Exploring Inroads for Tysons Foot Traffic)

After years of neglect, urban sprawl, and no planning it's no wonder why Tysons Corner is a death trap for Pedestrians and a traffic nightmare. Of course now politicians want to turn it into a wonderful downtown. I love the idea, but gimmee a break. Tysons Corner is a huge mess that is completely unfriendly to pedestrians.

In my opinion they got what they designed for. They've spent years and years building to make it friendly for cars. More parking lots, wider streets, more parking garages. So what did they get...more cars of course. Now there is nowhere for those cars to go, so they get the bright idea that now it would be better if there were less cars. Duhhh.

Here's just one example of the idiotic decisions made by VDOT and planners

When some neighbors requested more pedestrian signals on Route 7, engineers for the Virginia Department of Transportation studied their request but built only one in the one-mile stretch between International Drive and the Dulles Access Road.

"They were afraid that pedestrians crossing the road would slow down traffic," said Wade Smith, a board member of the McLean Citizens Association, who has doggedly catalogued missing sidewalk segments in the area.

VDOT is horrible.

With all these cars and decisions like VDOT's to NOT put in crosswalk signals is it any wonder why "a 2002 health department survey revealed that 58.8 percent of Virginia adults are overweight or obese. In 2003, the total estimated costs related to overweight and obesity in Virginia were approximately $1.6 billion." (see VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SEEKS INPUT TO REDUCE OBESITY IN THE STATE)

Hey, that's not far from the pricetag of the Metro expansion.

I'd say more but I have errands to run.

Hey Dulles Toll Road, GIMMEE MY MONEY BACK!

The geniuses putting together the expansion of the Metro just got the some good news. Surprise, surprise, the construction firms now estimate that the project will cost 60% more than they thought! About $2.4 Billion.

Of course they have some bright ideas to lower the costs, like "deviating from Metrorail construction standards," and "eliminating pedestrian bridges."

My favorite is they are going to bag the whole Tunnel idea through Tysons Corner, and instead make it above ground somehow??

Just to recap, politicians promised us Metro if they could raise tolls on the Dulles Toll Road, now the cost is too high so they have to make cuts (if they even can make cuts), so where is our money from the tolls going?

Oh, I'm sure it's being safely tucked away in a safe for when the project comes to fruition...just like the money I pay into Social Security is safely being kept for me later. YEAH RIGHT!

Here's the article from the Post Price Soars For Extension Of Metrorail

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Married men earn more if wives do the chores

"Married men earn more than bachelors so long as their wives stay at home doing the housework, according to a report Wednesday from Britain's Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER).

But that wage premium disappears if wives go out to work themselves or don't do most of the housework."

See Reuters news story Married men earn more if wives do the chores

I knew I could be earning more if I did less around the house! Instead I have a never ending list of "chores" to do.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Combs Elementary Leadership Magnet Elementary School

In reading the 8th Habit book I found a fascinating story about the AB Combs Elementary School. Their school mission says it perfectly, "To develop leaders one child at a time." I love that!!

The Principal envisioned introducing principle-based character education into the curriculum of a K-5 school (little children ranging from about ages 5 through 10), and of involving fellow administrators, faculty, and families in the preparation. She chose The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People as the curriculum.

When asked how introducing principle-centered character training into the curriculum had impacted academic performance, she replied that the impact had been profound. "Eighteen months ago, 67 percent of our students performed at or above grade level in national academic standards; today 94 percent are at or above grade level."

Hmm, is it time for us to relocate to North Carolina to enroll Grant in AB Combs?

Check out all the awards they've won. I'm very impressed!!

# National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence (given by the U.S. Dept. of Education)
# National Magnet Schools of Excellence Award, three years running ( highest award given by the National Magnet Schools of America ). Named one of the top five magnet schools (out of thousands) in the U.S. in academic performance, with 98 percent of their students performing at or above grade level.
# North Carolina School of Excellence (based on academic achievement)
# North Carolina Governor's Entrepreneurial Award ( awarded for leadership and risk-taking in education)
# Winner, National Schools of Character
# Invited to present at the Model Schools Conference, 2004
# Finalist for the 21 st Century Award for Educational Excellence, 2004

Exercises from The 8th Habit Book: From Effectiveness to Greatness

Yep, I'm still reading the 8th Habit Book. It takes me forever to read a book like this, because I go through page by page...I highlight...I think about things...etc.

Anyway, now I can take even longer because they also offer exercises to help me go from being Effective to being Great!


Brad, how can I get a personal audience with the man...Stephen? I believe you have connections there.

Gotta Love DC!

This is absolutely ridiculous!! Can someone please give the DC Govt. and everyone that works for it some smelling salts, then smack them into reality, then fire them all?? I mean, the DC Police Chief's Car was stolen!!

When will they wake up and fix these systematic problems that permeate every part of the DC Govt.?? From the Police Dept to DC Schools, you name it, the inefficiencies and lack or proactivity is pervasive.

What bother's me is that the standards of Govt. service continue to deteriorate and yet people accept it. Why?? Probably because the folks that run those agencies accept it and that Leadership (or lack there of) trickles down to everyone.

Instead of being mad and outraged, the Police Chief blew off the event as no big deal. Here's his exact quote "The car was taken, and there was nothing of real value in it. Cars are getting stolen every day."

I can' believe this.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Great Article

I don't normally read, but when it pertains to my business, I must.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me!

Hey, Boys!
Thanks for inviting me to join your blog. Actually, I guess you didn't really invite me, but anyway, here I am. I've enjoyed reading about your adventures: injuries, bike trips, vacations, etc. I have time to post something because Austin took the day off in honor of my birthday to take care of the kids and run my errands. It is heavenly. If you are wondering what to get your wives, girlfriends, or partners (I don't know everyone in this group, and I've left people out before) for their birthday, just stay home and do housework. It's great! Right now he's taking a 100-pound air conditioning unit to the fix-it shop.

Other than that, I don't have much to say right now. Most of my time is spent fixing food, cleaning up after meals, changing diapers, fishing things out of the toilet, etc. I figure those topics wouldn't be of much interest to you guys. But I did want to ask two questions, one of which I figure you'll have plenty to say.

My old college roommates and I have an electronic bulletin board (like this, but not quite so fancy-pants) on Google, and the topic recently came up of breast implants. Since it is a group of all girls, I thought I could get your imput and report back, especially since their husbands might be sugar-coating the issue to avoid getting in trouble. What are your thoughts? How important? What is a fair trade? Vasectomy (spelling?) came up as a trade-off with my girlfriends. Should it be given as a "gift" to your girlfriend or wife for her birthday or another holiday?

And the other question I had is more for my own personal curiosity. Austin claims that anyone who goes to bed before 11:00 is an old grandma. What time do you go to bed, now and before you had kids (if you have kids)?

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Humm Foods and Lärabar Home Page

I was at Whole Foods today (one of my favorite stores) and they were handing out samples of these new Lärabar energy food bars.

I tried some different samples and they are very good! Plus they only have a few all natural ingredients and nothing I can't pronounce or can not identify.

I highly recommend them for the healthnuts like me!

Listen Live to the G Gordon Liddy Show (No relation to Baby G)

I remember a long...long time ago when I became a fan of the G Gordon. I used to listen to him bash Clinton and Janet Reno on good 'ol WJFK 106.7 way back when I lived in NoVa many...many years ago.

Then I moved to Cincinnati and I think I picked him up every now and then, but unfortunately I wasn't usually in my car when he was on. Besides, I was trying to block out Clinton.

Then I moved to SF, and G Gordon was nowhere to be found on the radio dial, although eventually we did find him and enjoyed his banter at the eTango office. Then I think he got booted and we had to pick him up on Internet Radio. Thankfully Smack was there to always locate his program.

Well now, I've found G Gordon again on WMEL 1160 and for those of you not in NoVA you can listen to him via the Internet. Enjoy!!

"The G Gordon Liddy Show"

For an added bonus, don't forget to order the G man's Stacked and Packed calendar.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Hurricane Arlene is headed our way!! Yikes, folks are boarding up their beach houses so we are getting out of here tonight! Just had to rebook our flight to leave ASAP instead of tomorrow. It's back to VA for us.

Another Good Quote from the 8th Habit

"He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality, and will never, therefore, make any progress."

- Anwar el-Sadat

Thursday, June 09, 2005

One of the Best Strongbad Emails!! Trogdor!!

I don't know why, but for some reason a random thought popped in my head here on vacation that I wanted to share with the group. It was of Strongbad's Trogdor email.

I know Hung, Allen, and of course Smack all know about Strongbad's emails but I'm not sure if the rest of you do. This one is truly a classic and provides much enjoyment.

Especially the part when Strongbad burns up Strongsad's drawing. I don't know how these guys think of this stuff but they are a lot more creative than I am.

Here it is Trogdor, Burninating the Countryside!

Women Take Twice as Long to go to Bathroom as Men

NYC Law: Women Take Twice as Long to go to Bathroom as Men

Forget equality. NYC has officially and legally acknowledges that women spend twice as long in the bathroom as men. Because of this, and instead of telling them to just hurry up, NYC now has a law, incorrectly called the Women’s Restroom Equity Bill, which requires that builders provide 2X women’s bathrooms to men’s. What’s next a law that fines men for not lowering the seat after each visit?

- From

Brad, any thoughts Mr. NYC?

Cool Design from Purdue Engineers

Purdue Engineers win award for a pretty cool tricycle.

A new bicycle design created at Purdue could erase the need for parents to hold on to the back of a two-wheel bicycle as their child learns how to ride.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Just say no!

This T Shirt is great. If it's a Haynes Beefy T, I'm definitely picking one up.

Lactivists unite!

It sounds like some of Allison's mommy friends have taken their nurse-ins up a notch. Barbara, you've messed with the wrong mommy!
'We're all told that breast-feeding is the best, healthiest thing you can do for your child,' said Lorig Charkoudian, 32, who started the Web site after being asked to use the bathroom to nurse at her local Starbucks.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Hung and Baby G!

Hung looks like a natural father here with Baby G!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Kick Ball Injuy??

Hung is definately becoming an old man. This may be the most woosie injury in the world. Hung is limping from hurting his ankle at kickball running the bases.

The only more pitiful injury would be one from a ping pong game.

A sad, sad ending...

Subway Ends Free-Sandwich Promotion - Yahoo! News

After partaking of sub after sub after sub, with my good friends Billy & Andrew, it seems that we have single handedly shut down this long running, nation-wide promotion. A sad day indeed.